Get rid of Moles
Control of Moles
Rather than charging per visit or per mole we offer a months’ worth of trapping with as many visits as necessary to resolve the issue. We can also offer the safe use of aluminium phosphide in certain scenarios due to our highly qualified technicians.
The Secret Life of Moles
The European Mole Talpa europea is an animal that eats insects and is part of what is known as the mammalian order.
It tends to black and silver grey in colour and has small ears and a short tail. Its eyes are hidden by fur and generally quite small. The mole moults in Spring and Autumn. The weight of an adult is between 70g and 100g. Moles have a well-developed sense of smell. Its hearing is very good and this helps the Mole to find food and navigate underground tunnels. Its sight is poor and of little use, although it can distinguish between dark and light.
The Mole does not breed fast, having just one litter of between two and seven boars (male) or sows (female). The breeding season takes place between February and June and as Moles do not hibernate, they are active all year round. Moles are found all over the mainland Britain, as well as on Anglesey, Mull and the Channel Islands.
Earthworms are the main prey of the Mole, although they do also eat insect larvae and molluscs.
Moles spend much of their time underground in a complex system of permanent or semi-permanent tunnels. It has spade-like front paws which it uses for digging. The soil is passed through its body and once a substantial amount as built up behind it, the Mole turns and pushes it to the surface. This will either add to an existing mole hill or form a new one.
There are two types of tunnel, one close to the surface and one deep underground. You can often spot a surface tunnel as it forms a raised ridge in the soil. The deeper tunnels are used for breeding and for catching food.
Mole hills will kill grass that is grown for silage and when left alone they will prevent grass from growing, which can lead to rapid deterioration of pasture. Root crops can also suffer from root damage or stunted growth as the soil in the vicinity of the tunnels can dry out. Also, stones brought to the surface can damage mowing equipment and harvesters.
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The fast and efficient way to get rid of Moles, call Anston Pest Control, your Local Mole control expert today.
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01909 562813
07969 329396
Opening Times
Monday – Friday: 8am - 6pm
Saturday: 8am - 3pm
Sunday: Closed all day